Thanksgiving Travel Tips for the KC Airport
Don't Get Caught In The Mess
Suggestion 1
Our standard arrival time is to get you to the KC airport one hour before your plane departs. But if you are traveling during the week of Thanksgiving or that weekend, I would encourage you to arrive at KCI 90 minutes before your departure to account for the increased number of travelers.
Suggestion 2
If you are traveling to a major city such as New York, Chicago, Miami or Los Angeles, I recommend you arrive at those airports two hours before departure if you don’t have TSA Precheck. If you do, I’d still arrive 90 minutes before your flight.
Suggestion 3
Finally, if you’re traveling outside of Kansas City and need transportation arranged in another city, we are happy to set that up for you. We do this for many of our clients, so just give us a call. Our capabilities and experience providing this service include anywhere in North America or across the globe. Services like Uber or Lyft pose serious problems for travelers in bigger cities like Los Angeles or New York. If you aren’t familiar with what I’m referring to, click here to check it out. It isn’t pretty.
We hope you have some fun things planned for the holidays, and we’d love to help you get where you need to go and provide any KC Airport Transportation Services. Learn more about us or schedule below. Thank you for using our service.
Best Regards, Jason Taylor, Founder